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What is more fun than Family pizza night? My boys love eating pizza, even making homemade pizza. This time we decided to turn it into a craft with this kid-made Paper Plate Pizza craft which is both simple and allows
Every once in a while, inspiration just hits. In this case, inspiration hit while we were reading the book “Old Tracks, New Tricks” by Jessica Petersen. In this book, children are encouraged to get creative and use their imaginations to
What is your favorite quote? I absolutely love this quote from Maya Angelou: “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” I chose this for the month’s quote coloring page for adults. Don’t you just love that quote? This quote
Ever since we decided to get a balance scale, my boys have been obsessed with using it…as a catapult. While I encourage their exploration and creativity, I figured it was time to teach them how to really use the balance
*Raises hand.* Yes, I am the mom that loves to find alternatives to giving out candy and I hand out non-candy Valentine’s Day treats as much as possible. Yes, I still allow them to have some candy, but I try
Will cold cocoa make a marshmallow melt? This and many other questions were answered through this Melting Snowman Activity. My boys are always asking for marshmallows in their cocoa. Inspired by everything snowman lately, I decided to give the marshmallows
My boys are both very engineer-minded. They love to build and design. Both are getting more and more into art as well. I want to encourage them to keep practicing engineering, so we come up with activities like this Building
Kids often end up wanting to be like their parents…do things their parents do. Well, my boys love watching me take pictures, so they have gotten an interest in taking pictures as well. While I would love to hand them