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Disclaimer: Ragu provided me with complimentary products. All opinions and recipes are my own. Dinners in our home are a big deal. We always try to eat together as a family when our schedules allow, no matter how busy we
Disclaimer: Chicken Soup for the Soul and Zaycon Fresh Foods provided me with complimentary products. The opinions and recipes I have expressed are my own. Serving my family wholesome, healthy food is really important to me, which is one reason
Chicken Nugget Teriyaki is the fourth family-friendly, kid-friendly recipe in my Chicken Nugget Gourmet Recipes series. We love eating Chinese and Japanese food, but I do not like ordering take-out and we can’t always sit down at a hibachi restaurant.
Chicken Nuggets ‘n Waffles is the third family-friendly, kid-friendly recipe in my Chicken Nugget Gourmet Recipes series. Since we are currently living in the South, my husband has been wanting some chicken and waffles so I thought it would be
Chicken Nugget Cordon Bleu is the second family-friendly, kid-friendly recipe in my Chicken Nugget Gourmet Recipes series. This one was especially a hit with my husband, surprisingly. I am always seeking ways to get my family to eat healthy meals
Some kids can be pretty picky on what they eat. Most of the kids I know at least enjoy chicken nuggets, but most parents are not in love with eating chicken nuggets for a family dinner together. I want kids
*Freeze any extras in a plastic freezer container so whenever you are sick you can thaw and reheat the homemade chicken soup, no cooking or canned soup necessary!