Disclaimer: I received a free product for my review! These views are my own and were not at all influenced by the party who gave me this opportunity..
If you are anything like me, you suffer from Mommy brain and lack of organization. As much as I try to keep things organized, it is difficult to stick with it if you do not have the proper tools. One of the WORST and MESSIEST items that just always becomes disheveled is my purse/diaper bag. Finally, there is a solution–the SugarSNAP Files (view their website here)!
With my first baby, the diaper bag was disorderly I would think I had items that I didn’t have (fresh diapers, changes of clothing for accidents, WIPES….) Digging through the diaper bag was a nightmare and I was always frustrated when I just knew I had an item along but it seemed to be no where to be found until we got home and I turned the entire bag upside down. Because of this, we had accidents happen several times when we were out and about which was not only frustrating but ended up being expensive. We realized that we really should carry along extra clothing for Mommy and Daddy as well, especially with a boy….
SugarSNAP Files are my new favorite baby gear, especially as we have a new little one coming soon! This product is a huge help to get Mommy organized and ease the effects of “mommy brain” and is especially useful to me as my husband is deployed and will not be there to help me remember things or go make purchases for items I forgot to pack.
The original SugarSNAP Files, Me+Mine Collection and the Car-Go System are the styles you can currently purchase online. Each is a set of handy-dandy mesh bags with adorably-patterned fabric on the back and each has a tab at the top just like a filing folder would have. The bags zip shut so you do not need to worry about your loose items sneaking out and taking over your bag.
The SugarSNAP Files, designed mainly for first-time moms, come with these 5 pre-labeled tabs: Shirts + Socks, Dipes + Wipes, Snacks + Supplies, Lotions + Potions, Me + Mine. This set is designed to fit perfectly into your diaper bag and cover all the necessary bases for travelling-with-Baby essentials, including a little extra file just for Mommy.
The *new* Me+Mine Collection, the set that I received to review, is great for all women who need a little organization in their lives! This set is perfect in any diaper bag or your larger purse/tote bag. There are five bags in this as well, however, the files are blank and the package comes with labels that you can stick on the tabs based on your needs. Since I already have a little one, I love this set because it allows me to give a space to not only my littlest, but also to my 3-year-old and myself. This set is PERFECT for packing up my hospital bag for when
I go into labor, especially since my hospital is well over an hour away. I can make sure I pack everything that we will need so I am not missing anything important for those days we are stuck at the hospital–snacks and toys for my son, an outfit for my newborn to leave the hospital in, toiletries, slippers for my comfort. This also comes with a laminated paper that you can fill out with your information doctor’s info, emergency contact and your contact
information. On the back of this sheet there are suggestions for what to put in your bag! Each zippered pocket also has an inspirational quote inside which I love to read as a little pick-me-up each time I open a bag.
The two sets listed above come with a ring and clips so you can remove some if you would like or purchase extras and hook them together! You can also change up the order easily if you would prefer to move a bag to the front without having to empty and re-pack it. There are four color/pattern options as follows: Wyatt (black and white with gray trim,) Cooper (gray and gray with yellow trim–my personal favorite,) Jax (slate blue with cranberry trim,) Lily (pink on pink with olive green trim.) Purchase the original SugarSNAP set for $42 or the Me+Mine set for $44. SugarSNAP also carries a set that comes in a storage bin perfect for keeping in your car as well as a stroller hook.
The Me+Mine Collection from SugarSNAP has really eased my mind. I had felt so unprepared being in my 8th month of pregnancy and not having my hospital bag set up (I had gone in for possible early labor a few weeks ago and did not have anything ready if Baby Shawn would have made an early appearance.) Now not only do I have everything packed, but also ORGANIZED! Stress, be gone! I can rest assured I will always have what I need available in the diaper bag and I will always know where to find it and quickly.
Ideas for how to use this item when your kids are bigger and you no longer need a diaper bag:
- Organize your tote or purse
- Organize your swimming gear for going to the beach
- Organize your picnic so you don’t forget the napkins and silverware
- Organize craft supplies
- The list can go on!
Don’t forget to check out SugarSNAP on Facebook!
-Have you tried this product? Do you have a messy diaper bag horror story? Share on my Facebook wall!
I need this so bad
It’s very helpful!