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If I had to list one of the most popular gifts we’ve been asked for or given, it would hands-down be LEGO gifts. This goes for kids and big kids alike. When we were invited to E’s friend’s birthday party,
My oldest son, E, really wants to be an engineer when he grows up. As a homeschool mom, I do my best to help him towards that goal. We recently discovered Circuit Cubes and totally fell in love. They’re perfect
I received product to conduct this review. All opinions are mine alone. My oldest son, E, has an extreme love of LEGO building bricks and his little brother, S, is beginning to follow in his footsteps. They really have a
Like father like son…these boys sure to love LEGOs! Since he has so many already, I decided it would be fun to incorporate LEGOs into his bedroom decor in a functional way– so we got to work and built this