Some of you have participated in 30 days of Thanksgiving before. I would like to encourage this more so I am going to offer you a chance to share each day on my blog what you are thankful for while I share mine. At the end of the 30 days (I will do my best to post daily) I will choose one commenter to win a prize; one comment each day (on the post for that day) will count as an entry so be sure to keep an eye on my blog each day so you do not miss a day!
Day 10:
I am thankful that I can be a stay-at-home mom. It is very important to me to spend every minute I can with my kids so I am thankful that my husband works and we can make it by with me staying home and blogging and raising our little ones.
-So what are YOU thankful for today? Let me know in the comments then enter on the Rafflecopter widget (must do BOTH for a chance to win.)