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Chocolate-Covered Banana Bites Recipe

Chocolate Covered BananasChocolate-covered bananas are a great treat because they are simple to make, taste delicious, and are nutritious!

I wanted to share this quick exclusive recipe with you to share how I made these delicious desserts! My boys absolutely could not get enough of them (of course, I did limit them though.) It was a great way to serve them sweets with less sugar while getting them a serving of fruit.

These can be made and ready-to-eat in as little as 35 minutes! You can find a printable version of the recipe at the bottom.

While you’re at it, check out my other dessert recipes!



  • Wax paper
  • Microwavable bowl
  • Fork


Banana and Chocolate1. Slice the banana into coins.

2. Melt the chocolate. For best results, do this according to package instructions. Some will instruct you in the microwave and some via double boiler method. I melted mine in the microwave (60 seconds on 70% power.) Make sure you don’t over-cook it or it will become clumpy.

3. Lie a piece of wax paper over a plate or another flat surface.

4. Start dipping the banana slices in the chocolate, scooping chocolate over the top and flipping until it is covered. Lift it up on the fork and let some of the extra chocolate drizzle off then carefully transfer the banana piece onto the wax paper.

Continue doing this with all of the banana slices. Note: You may want to melt chocolate multiple times in separate bowls if you have a lot to do, as the banana eventually makes the chocolate clump up. If you work quickly, one cup of chocolate chips should cover almost a whole banana (I did not bother with the ends as I wanted the coin shape.)

5. While the chocolate is still melted, shake a few sprinkles onto the top of each chocolate-covered banana slice.

6. Move the banana slices into the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to fully harden before serving. These will last a few days, if you need to make them ahead of time.

Chocolate-Covered Banana Bites Recipe
These are delicious and simple to make! Eat these instead of sugar-loaded chocolate treats!
Recipe type: Dessert
  • Bananas
  • Dark chocolate
  • Sprinkles
  1. Slice the banana into coins.
  2. Melt the chocolate. For best results, do this according to package instructions. Some will instruct you in the microwave and some via double boiler method. I melted mine in the microwave (60 seconds on 70% power.) Make sure you don't over-cook it or it will become clumpy.
  3. Lie a piece of wax paper over a plate or another flat surface.
  4. Start dipping the banana slices in the chocolate, scooping chocolate over the top and flipping until it is covered. Lift it up on the fork and let some of the extra chocolate drizzle off then carefully transfer the banana piece onto the wax paper.
  5. Continue doing this with all of the banana slices. Note: You may want to melt chocolate multiple times in separate bowls if you have a lot to do, as the banana eventually makes the chocolate clump up. If you work quickly, one cup of chocolate chips should cover almost a whole banana (I did not bother with the ends as I wanted the coin shape.)
  6. While the chocolate is still melted, shake a few sprinkles onto the top of each chocolate-covered banana slice.
  7. Move the banana slices into the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to fully harden before serving. These will last a few days, if you need to make them ahead of time.

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