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R2D2 Juice Boxes and FREE Printable

R2D2 Juice Boxes and FREE Printable

It’s no secret that my boys like Star Wars…and boy are they excited about the new movie coming out!
Of course, my son had to have a Star Wars birthday party this year.

You may have seen my Star Wars Rebels party on a budget post.
Well, we used many of those and expanded on it for his actual birthday party. One of those extras was our R2D2 juice boxes (foods and treats coming soon!)

The kids loved these juice boxes.

Not only were they fun to look at, but they were also made as coloring pages so the kids could color them in as an activity!

The best part?

You have to do almost nothing because I am providing the printable for you.

What You Need


1. Using a scrapbooking scrapbook trimmer or paper cutter, cut the rectangular juice box cover from the printed piece of paper.

R2D2 Juice Boxes Step 1

2. Fold the paper to make creases along each side of the paper. You can tell where these need to be either by a thick black line or two sides joining into a line.

R2D2 Juice Boxes Step 2

3. Remove the straw from the juice box then set the box properly on top of the printed wrapper, so the front of R2D2 is in place and you have one loose side on the left of the box.

R2D2 Juice Boxes Step 3

4. Fold the rest of the paper tightly around the juice box and tape the entire side down onto the juice box (the thin strip will go underneath the short side.)

R2D2 Juice Boxes Step 4

5. Fold the short end of the paper up and tape the entire side down onto the juice box.

R2D2 Juice Boxes Step 5

If you love this Star Wars-themed printable, check out my online store for more!

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6. Fold a piece of tape onto itself and stick it to the back of the straw wrapper.

R2D2 Juice Boxes Step 6

7. Stick the straw wrapper onto the back of the juice box near the “name” space.

R2D2 Juice Boxes Step 7

Download Your Free R2D2 Juice Box Cover Coloring Page and see our other products!

Kids will enjoy this new way to experience juice boxes! Set out some coloring crayons so they can color the wrapper and add their names!

-Who is your favorite Star Wars character? Tell me in the comment section! I’d love to hear from you!

R2D2 Printable Juice Box CoversR2D2 Juice BoxesKnow someone who could use this? Hit the “share” buttons below! Be sure to follow Arts & Crackers on social media (buttons at the top right of the page.)

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  1. I got sent the chewbacca cupcake topper instead of the juice boxes….

    • Hi Angie, I apologize! I updated my settings and didn’t realize the cupcake toppers had attached here. I have emailed you the correct printable and, of course, feel free to print and keep the cupcake toppers too! Thank you 🙂

  2. Where do i get the download?

    • Hi Angela, look for the big “get your free download” button. Follow the instructions and the file should be mailed to the email you provide immediately. If you don’t see it, check your spam folder. If you still don’t see it, please email me using the email you registered with and i will get it to you. I just had an update go slightly wrong so it may not send right away, but it should work. Either way I will make sure you get it 🙂

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