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B Kids Watch Over Me Dream Station Review

Disclaimer: I received a free product for my post! These views are my own and were not 
at all influenced by the party who gave me this opportunity..

B Kids Watch Over Me Dream StationB Kids sent me a Watch Over Me Dream Station to review. This product is meant to help infants from newborn to 5 months sleep through the night. It is an “intelligent” baby monitor that can IMG_5018sense baby movement and adjust the sleeping environment to provide consistent and comfortable sleep for your little one. The system has soothing lights and music that coordinate with the five phases of sleep and can be customized to fit your child’s needs. The Dream Station mounts on the side of a crib (fits rails that are 1.3/8″w x 2″h or less) and there are three arms with toys that hang over the crib.

Unfortunately, we do not have a crib for our son so I was unable to try out the Watch Over Me Dream Station on my own, but hey, that’s what friends are for! First, I let my neighbor try this product for her baby. She has a newer crib, however, so the Dream Station monitor would not fit on the side. She also mentioned that she uses the self-soothe method for teaching her baby to sleep through the night. We used the same method as well with our first and plan to with our new baby as well, so this would not be a product I would personally use for nighttime though I know many who do not self-soothe and would love it.

This picture was sent to me by my friend of her son trying out this product.

This picture was sent to me by my friend of her son trying out this product.

Since my neighbor could not use the Watch Over Me monitor either, I passed it onto another friend. She tried it for a few nights with her 4-month-old. She had an older-style crib, but unfortunately it did not fit properly on her crib either. It did fit on the outside railing so she tried it there, but it wasn’t snug. The monitor did not go over well with her son. He was a little frightened by the lights and sounds and would cry every time she tried to use it. Of course this does not mean all babies will have the same reaction–many love lights and sounds–so your baby may absolutely love it. I know that when my sister was little she had a light-up musical crib toy and it helped her a lot; every baby is different. She also mentioned that sometimes you have to push the buttons a few times before they start working but besides that everything works properly.

As I mentioned, each baby is a little different; some like sounds and lights and some don’t. Just because this product did not work for the three of us does not mean it will not work for you. In fact, this product has won several awards such as the Practical Parenting and Pregnancy Award. If your little one has a difficult time at night and enjoys soft music and night lights, give this product a try!

You can purchase this product HERE for $90. For a limited time you can get 10% off when you enter the coupon code “artscrackers” and you can get free shipping on your order!

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