Disclaimer: This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.
There are so many of baby’s first that I love, but one of my favorites is baby’s first smile. You may be wondering why I chose this rather than baby’s first tooth or first s
tep; well, I assure you I have a great reason. There is something special about a smile–it is so captivating and holds so much more value than a facial expression of cheeriness. A baby’s first smile is a sign that you are doing a great job as a parent. A baby’s first smile shows that your little one is developing his/her unique personality. Most of all, a baby’s first smile is just a glimpse of all the amazing and memorable moments to come along with the joy and smiles those moments will bring you.
Swaddlers is celebrating baby’s firsts and now for longer than ever as they recently added sizes 4 and 5 diapers! Now moms will be able to continue to use the softest diapers from the brand they trust most throughout all of their diapering years! At our house, Pampers Swaddlers are our diaper of choice; they are soft and comfortable for Baby and run a little bigger than other brands so we have fewer diaper blow-outs! I also find that their tabs hold better than other brands of disposable diapers. For us, the Swaddlers launch of sizes 4 and 5 is great news! Below are some great ways you can celebrate along with Swaddlers and have a chance to reap some great prizes for yourself! Be sure to check out Pampers on Facebook and while you’re at It!
Enter the Pampers Swaddlers 30 Days of Sweeps HERE for a chance to win great daily prizes and a grand prize of Pampers Swaddlers diapers for a year!
Join the #SwaddlersFirsts Twitter Party on December 5 at 9pm EST! RSVP HERE and follow your hosts @DoubleDutyDivas, @BridgetteLA, @CeceliaMecca @AngieKcom @WhatMommiesNeed @RamblingChick, and our sponsor @Pampers for chances to win some awesome prizes up to $450 in value!
Prizes include 3 Celebrating Firsts Gift Packs valued at $250 (Baby’s First Friend Doudou Bear Plush Doll, Baby’s First Tooth and First Curl Treasure Box, Baby’s First Words Book, Baby’s First Steps Push Toy, $50 Shutterfly Gift Card to celebrate all “firsts” moments, Baby’s First Bath Robe, Pampers Swaddlers) and a grand prize of a Canon EOS Rebel T3 DSLR camera worth $450!
Enter my giveaway below to win another Celebrating Firsts prize pack worth $150!
Prizes include Baby’s First Friend Doudou Bear Plush Doll, Baby’s First Tooth and First Curl Treasure Box, Baby’s First Words Book, Baby’s First Steps Push Toy, Pampers Swaddlers.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: Arts & Crackers is not responsible for the shipment of the winner’s prize. Winner must respond to their acceptance e-mail within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen. Unless otherwise noted, all Arts & Crackers giveaways are open only to residents of the United States. Giveaway sponsor has a right to change the prize pack without notice.
Babys first step 🙂 -Nicole M
I’d have to say…and I think my hubby would agree with me…is baby’s first giggle. It almost made my husband cry when our youngest started giggling. It was too cute!!
Very neat. I love the swaddled diapers!
My babies favorite 1st was when they said “mama” for the first time. Made me cry when both my girls said it for the 1st time. Emma said it for the 1st time 2 weeks ago.
Love the swaddlers 🙂
I agree with you first smile 🙂 (although I havent expiernce first words or steps yet)
This would be perfect for Jaime’s wee won expected in May 🙂
I love it when they smile at you for the first time 🙂
Babies first laugh ♡ so glad swaddlers are available in larger sizes!
I would have to say babys first giggle. There is something about when they start laughing for no reason.
First smile, first laugh, first steps are all beautiful.
First laugh is my favorite!
my babys first giggle/laugh
Babies first step:)
First “I love you” melted my heart!
Baby’s first time to eat solid foods and walk. 🙂
I loved my daughters first smiles and laughs and of course the first hugs and kisses..oh i could go on! I love it all!
My favorite first was the smile too!!
I loved my daughter’s first laugh!
My favorite first is when they discover their voice for the first time!
My favorite first moment was hearing her “babble” when I would talk to her. Watching her discover her voice and going up and down in range was so sweet. We have some intense conversations..haha
The first time they smile! Sooo adorable!
The first cry I heard in the delivery room. Best sound and moment.
I love the first giggle! Jessica Beard [email protected]
The first time she smiled and giggled
I would say Baby’s first cry, as a mom who had a baby early and was told there was a chance she wouldn’t breathe on her own. Waiting for that first cry and finally hearing it… that moments priceless!
The first smile is great.
Baby’s first laugh!
Great giveaway! Hope I win 🙂
Baby’s first word!
Baby’s first MaMa and Dada for sure!
I don’t have only one favorite first. For my 3 girls it was their first word. With my son who is 15 weeks it was the first time he rolled over (in the hospital less then 24 hours old) and his first word (at 7 weeks). The first belly laugh is a major first. The look they give you when they can’t tell you back but you can see they love you too. 🙂
I don’t have any firsts yet since I am not a mother. I look forward to the first though. I can’t wait until I hold my child for the first time.
For me it’s gonna be seeing her for the first time, I’m due Dec. 26th 🙂
would make a great gift for an upcoming baby due for a family member.
with my nephews I loved their smile. we are going to start trying to have a baby soon, so this would be great!
I would have to say the first time my childs eyes meet mine. It’s love at first sight. Each and everytime it’s a magical moment.